AREA takes on your challenges in the real estate sector.
We are independent of other market players and champion your interests passionately and diligently. With our substantial experience in real estate and construction as well as a committed and agile approach, we achieve the following benefits for you:
Risk mitigation – AREA reviews your options for action and limits the risks; You get the certainty of the best possible solution.
Cost control – AREA manages the use of your resources and monitors costs; You realize the full potential of your project.
Reduction of hassle – AREA represents your concerns and coordinates the entire project; You can focus on your core business.
Second opinion for questions about real estate?
You have different options for action and would like to verify them? We will gladly provide an independent second opinion.

AREA will provide you with a substantiated assessment of the following topics:
Construction projects
Acquisitions and sales
Your contacts at AREA

Chris Duisberg
CEO / Partner

Daniel Braun
Deputy CEO / Partner